I'm Joris, 38 years old and I grew up mostly in Saint-Claude, a commune in Guadeloupe. I have a Master's degree from the Dijon business school. The adventure began for me about ten years ago when, with my father, I noticed that a small niche was developing abroad and even in France for the production of craft beer. As a lover of good beer, the project was born in September 2018. I teamed up with Ethan DEAN, an American born in Minnesota in Minneapolis and husband of my cousin. He's a beer fanatic and it was natural that we set up this project as a family.
The craft brewery is based on 2 pillars: consume less, but consume better and consume locally. We want to set ourselves apart in the selection of raw materials to offer quality beers and favour short circuits. We bring originality, creativity and a unique taste to our beers, while taking advantage of the richness of Guadeloupe's terroir to go even further.
Lékouz is much more than a concept, it's a state of mind: conviviality, exchange and sharing are our watchwords. And its name gives it its full meaning, because lekouz comes from the Creole word for "cousin". The expression "kaw fè lé kouz" is a very common one, and characterises the very spirit of beer: closeness, better living together. To make our seasonal beers, we call on small local producers and grow certain ingredients in our own garden.